Books & Downloads

Reading blog articles is a great way to discover new ideas and learn about topics that can help you attain greater success and happiness, but sometimes they just aren’t comprehensive enough to give you the really useful information. Below are the books that I have written and others that I have found particularly helpful. I hope you will find them rewarding and useful.

read a book about business networking

How to Achieve Your Goals!

By Greg J. Bahlmann

How to Achieve Your Goals e-book

One of the best pathways to a successful, fulfilling life is to be able to set goals and then achieve them. “How to Achieve Your Goals” gives you a practical roadmap for achieving things you never dreamed you could – more success, better health, better relationship and more! The sky is the limit! All it takes is a little willpower … and this book.

Some highlights include:

  • 100% actionable steps. No fluff included.
  • An introduction to the GREATER2 Goal Achievement System, that makes setting and then achieving goals super-easy.
  • Tips and tricks for getting better goal achievement results.
  • A method that you adapt to fit your own life instead of having to follow a specific formula.
  • A whole host of helpful printable checklists, reminders, inspiration templates and more that make goal achievement easier and less theoretical.

This is an e-book that can be downloaded in PDF format. No special software is required to open or read it.

Price: US$ 9.77


Pssst! Use the discount code “goal” for 25% off the price.

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